Trick-or-Treat! Halloween continues to be a top-five holiday for kids. And for good reason … it’s a candy-hoarding paradise! Throngs of fairies and superheroes dart around their neighborhood while people give them enough candy to make the Tooth Fairy twitch. Sadly, while sword-wielding knights, crowned princesses, and their parents are amassing their candied fortune; others use the occasion as a backdrop for more ominous events.
Here are a few tips for you to protect your business from “things that go bump in the night” this Halloween:
1. Keep the perimeter well lit: According to the National Safety Council, falls are the leading cause of injury on Halloween. A well-lit area will prevent accidents, and, equally important, deter vandals.
2. Limit access to the property: Unless you’re planning after-hours activities, ensure that all entryways and windows are locked and secured.
3. Train employees to watch for unusual behavior: It’s not uncommon for thieves and vandals to scout a potential location prior to committing a crime. Teach your staff to be vigilant and alert.
4. Celebrate safely: Costumes and alcohol consumption can lead to an increase of fire hazards. So if your company is hosting a Halloween party, ensure that your fire protection system is operating properly, and do not hang any decorations from ceiling smoke detectors or sprinklers.
Of course if all you want to worry about this Halloween is the monsters at your door, SFM Security Services can seamlessly take over your organization’s security concerns. Our security team has been providing unarmed services to South Florida businesses since 1992.