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Find Us: 7500 NW 74th Avenue, Medley, FL
Call Us: (305) 818-2424
Toll Free: (866) 253-2643
Find Us:  7500 NW 74th Avenue, Medley, FL
Call Us: (305) 818-2424
Toll Free: (866) 253-2643
Find Us:  7500 NW 74th Avenue, Medley, FL
Marina Security

Marina Security

Marinas attract criminal behavior because they offer easy access to high-value property. Good lighting and well-placed surveillance cameras may deter trespassers from creating mischief; but the most effective way to prevent theft and other serious crimes is by hiring...
2020, What a Year!

2020, What a Year!

Every year around this time, the team at SFM Services likes to share our best moments, biggest milestones, and jaw-dropping events. And while 2020 has unquestionably been unforgettable, there were not many event-related memorable moments. However, it was...
Hiring a Security Service During the Holiday Season

Hiring a Security Service During the Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for festivities and merriment! Unfortunately, ‘tis also the season for break-ins and thefts. Holidays mean a larger gathering of people out and about enjoying the celebrations. And an increase in people creates a bigger opportunity for crime,...
Hiring Security to Enforce Social Distancing

Hiring Security to Enforce Social Distancing

Stay-at-home orders have expired, allowing previously deemed nonessential businesses to reopen, following new safety and social distancing policies. But asking employees to assume the role of enforcing safety measures puts them in a tough spot. News about violent...
Integrating Security into HR

Integrating Security into HR

Terminating employees is undoubtedly an unpleasant task, but it’s a necessary part of running a business. While there might only be a small chance of violence or retaliation from the employee that’s being terminated, the possibility is always there. Here are some key...