Jun 28, 2020 | Blog, Security
Stay-at-home orders have expired, allowing previously deemed nonessential businesses to reopen, following new safety and social distancing policies. But asking employees to assume the role of enforcing safety measures puts them in a tough spot. News about violent...
May 31, 2020 | Blog, Janitorial
In the middle of a pandemic, the importance of cleanliness has never been greater. But, for businesses looking to reopen and concerned about keeping their staff and customers safe, cleanliness is not enough. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has made sanitation and...
Mar 29, 2020 | Blog, Janitorial
The Coronavirus is having a major impact on the global economy. And while the closings of schools, the cancellation of events, and the requests for social distancing are significantly affecting millions of businesses, millions of others remain open for business. Those...