Jun 2, 2024 | Blog, Disaster Recovery
Right-of-way (ROW) debris collection is a vital aspect of disaster recovery. Often overlooked, a well-defined ROW debris collection plan plays a vital role in a community’s ability to recover quickly and efficiently after a storm. Plus, a successful debris...
May 15, 2023 | Blog, Disaster Recovery
The South Florida weather made national and international news last month when more than a foot of rain fell on Broward County in a matter of hours. The downpour caused major flooding in many areas, forced the airport to shut down, and left residents struggling to...
Mar 5, 2023 | Blog, Disaster Recovery
Hurricanes are an inevitability in South Florida. And when they strike, the damage is often significant, and lives are undoubtedly disrupted. After the storm passes, homeowners’ associations and condo boards have a tall task ahead of them. After assessing damages to...
Aug 26, 2022 | Blog, Disaster Recovery
A burst pipe can cause extensive damage to your property, depending on the size of the pipe and the amount of water released. A small leak may only cause minor damage, but a large leak can quickly fill up a room or building and cause severe flooding. This can lead to...
Feb 10, 2022 | Blog, Disaster Recovery
Mold. You know what it looks like, velvety-like in appearance and green or black in coloring. And you probably know it grows and spreads where there’s moisture and humidity. But do you know all the health hazards it creates? Mold is a type of fungus that...